
Coproducts in the ambient type theory.

module basic.coproduct where

open import basic.prelude
open import basic.function

private variable
   ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level

data _⊎_ (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
  inl : A  A  B
  inr : B  A  B

infixr 3 _⊎_

--↓ Elimination from a coproduct.

⊎-elim : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {C : A  B  Type ℓ''}
   ((a : A)  C (inl a))
   ((b : B)  C (inr b))
   (z : A  B)  C z
⊎-elim f g (inl a) = f a
⊎-elim f g (inr b) = g b

[_∣_] = ⊎-elim

--↓ Functoriality of coproducts.

_⊎`_ : {A : Type } {A' : Type ℓ'} {B : Type ℓ''} {B' : Type ℓ'''}
   (A  A')  (B  B')  (A  B)  (A'  B')
(f ⊎` g) = [ inl  f  inr  g ]

--↓ Codiagonal function.

 : {A : Type }  A  A  A
 = [ id  id ]