
Properties of flat-modal functions.

module basic.flat where

open import basic.prelude
open import basic.equality

private variable
   ℓ' : Level

--↓ Application of a flat-modal function.

_$♭_ :  {@} {@A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}  ((@a : A)  B a)  (@a : A)  B a
f $♭ a = f a

infixr 5 _$♭_

--↓ Congruence for flat-modal functions.

cong♭ :  {@} {@A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
  (f : @A  B) {@a₀ a₁ : A} (@p : a₀  a₁)  f a₀  f a₁
cong♭ _ refl = refl

congdep♭ :  {@} {@A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}
  (f : (@a : A)  B a) {@a₀ a₁ : A} (@p : a₀  a₁)  subst B p (f a₀)  f a₁
congdep♭ _ refl = refl

--↓ Congruence of function application for flat-model functions.

cong$♭ :  {@} {@A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'}
  {f g : (@a : A)  B a}
  {@a : A} (p : f  g)  f a  g a
cong$♭ p = cong (_$♭ _) p