
Definition and basic properties of retracts of the ambient type theory.

module basic.retract where

open import basic.prelude
open import basic.equality
open import basic.function
open import basic.isomorphism
open import axiom.funext

private variable
   ℓ' : Level

--↓ Definition of retract in the ambient type theory.

record Retract (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
 constructor makeRetract
  sec : A  B
  ret : B  A
  inv :  a  ret (sec a)  a

open Retract public

--↓ Extensionality principle for equality of retracts.

retractExt : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
  {retract₀ retract₁ : Retract A B}
   retract₀ .sec  retract₁ .sec
   retract₀ .ret  retract₁ .ret
   retract₀  retract₁
retractExt refl refl = cong (makeRetract _ _) (funExt' $ uip')

--↓ Any isomorphism is in particular a retract.

isoToRetract : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
   A  B  Retract A B
isoToRetract iso .sec = iso .to
isoToRetract iso .ret = iso .from
isoToRetract iso .inv = iso .inv₁