
Postulates realignment along cofibrations for the universes of the ambient type theory.

module axiom.realignment where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import cofibration

private variable  : Level

--↓ We postulate realignment along cofibrations for the universes of the ambient type
--↓ theory.

  ≅Realigns : (φ : Cof) (B : Type )
    (A : [ φ ]  Σ (Type ) (_≅ B))  Σ (Type ) (_≅ B) [ φ  A ]

--↓ Convenience functions unpacking the components of the postulated realignment.

≅Realign : (φ : Cof) {B : Type } {A : [ φ ]  Type } (e : (u : [ φ ])  A u  B)
≅Realign φ e = ≅Realigns φ _ (_ ,, e) .out .fst

≅realign : (φ : Cof) {B : Type } {A : [ φ ]  Type } (e : (u : [ φ ])  A u  B)
   ≅Realign φ e  B
≅realign φ e = ≅Realigns φ _ (_ ,, e) .out .snd

≅RealignMatch : (φ : Cof) {B : Type } {A : [ φ ]  Type } (e : (u : [ φ ])  A u  B)
    u  A u  ≅Realign φ e
≅RealignMatch φ e u = cong fst (≅Realigns φ _ (_ ,, e) .out≡ u)

≅realignMatch : (φ : Cof) {B : Type } {A : [ φ ]  Type } (e : (u : [ φ ])  A u  B)
    u  subst (_≅ B) (≅RealignMatch φ e u) (e u)  ≅realign φ e
≅realignMatch φ e u = Σeq₂ (≅Realigns φ _ (_ ,, e) .out≡ u) _