
Internal interpretation of extensional type theory.

Each universe Type ℓ of our ambient extensional type theory gives us an /internal/
interpretation of extensional type theory: contexts are elements of Type ℓ and a type over
Γ is a family Γ → Type ℓ.

To build an interpretation of homotopy type theory, where contexts are again interpreted
as types Γ : Type ℓ and types are interpreted as families Γ → Type ℓ equipped with
/fibration structures/, it is convenient to have some suggestive notation for the internal
extensional type theory.

To disambiguate from the interpretation of homotopy type theory when necessary, we use the
superscript ˣ to indicate operators on eXtensional types/terms. Note that we sometimes use
ˣ to mark an operator on extensional types/terms which is however named for its role in
the homotopical interpretation. For example, we write A ≃ˣ B for the underlying
extensional type of the fibrant type of equivalences A ≃ᶠ B (with inverses up to path
equality), even though this is distinct from the standard type of equivalences (i.e., with
inverses up to strict equality) for the extensional type theory.


module internal-extensional-type-theory where

open import basic

private variable
   ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

infix  1 _⊢ˣ_
infixl 3 _▷ˣ_ _,,_ _,ˣ_
infixr 3 _→ˣ_ _×ˣ_

--↓ Term judgment of the extensional type theory.

_⊢ˣ_ : (Γ : Type ) (A : Γ  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
(Γ ⊢ˣ A) = Π Γ A

--↓ Term equality judgment.

syntax EqTermSyntaxˣ Γ A a₀ a₁ = Γ ⊢ˣ a₀  a₁  A

EqTermSyntaxˣ : (Γ : Type ) (A : Γ  Type ℓ') (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ˣ A)  Type (  ℓ')
EqTermSyntaxˣ Γ A a₀ a₁ = a₀  a₁

infix 1 EqTermSyntaxˣ

--↓ Context and substitution extension for the extensional type theory.

_▷ˣ_ : (Γ : Type )  (Γ  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
Γ ▷ˣ A = Σ Γ A

_,,_ : {A : Γ  Type ℓ''} (ρ : Δ  Γ) (a : Δ ⊢ˣ A  ρ)  (Δ  Γ ▷ˣ A)
(ρ ,, a) δ .fst = ρ δ
(ρ ,, a) δ .snd = a δ

--↓ Projection substitution from an extended context.
--↓ In Agda's input mode, this is \MIp.

𝒑 : {Γ : Type } {A : Γ  Type ℓ'}  Γ ▷ˣ A  Γ
𝒑 = fst

--↓ Variable term in an extended context.
--↓ In Agda's input mode, this is \MIq.

𝒒 : {Γ : Type } {A : Γ  Type ℓ'}  Γ ▷ˣ A ⊢ˣ A  𝒑
𝒒 = snd

-- Π-types

Πˣ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ')  Γ  Type (  ℓ')
Πˣ A B γ = (a : A γ)  B (γ , a)

_→ˣ_ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ  Type ℓ')  Γ  Type (  ℓ')
A →ˣ B = Πˣ A (B  𝒑)

λˣ : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ'}
   Γ ▷ˣ A ⊢ˣ B
   Γ ⊢ˣ Πˣ A B
λˣ f γ a = f (γ , a)

appˣ : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ'}
   (f : Γ ⊢ˣ Πˣ A B) (a : Γ ⊢ˣ A)
   Γ ⊢ˣ B  (id ,, a)
appˣ f a γ = f γ (a γ)

-- Σ-types

Σˣ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ')  Γ  Type (  ℓ')
Σˣ A B γ = Σ a  A γ , B (γ , a)

_×ˣ_ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ  Type ℓ')  Γ  Type (  ℓ')
A ×ˣ B = Σˣ A (B  𝒑)

_,ˣ_ : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ'}
  (a : Γ ⊢ˣ A)  Γ ⊢ˣ B  (id ,, a)  Γ ⊢ˣ Σˣ A B
(a  b) γ .fst = a γ
(a  b) γ .snd = b γ

fstˣ : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ'}
   Γ ⊢ˣ Σˣ A B  Γ ⊢ˣ A
fstˣ = fst ∘_

sndˣ : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ ▷ˣ A  Type ℓ'}
  (t : Γ ⊢ˣ Σˣ A B)  Γ ⊢ˣ B  (id ,, fstˣ t)
sndˣ = snd ∘_

-- Isomorphisms

_≅ˣ_ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ  Type ℓ')  (Γ  Type (  ℓ'))
_≅ˣ_ A B γ = A γ  B γ

-- Binary coproducts

_⊎ˣ_ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ  Type ℓ')  (Γ  Type (  ℓ'))
(A ⊎ˣ B) γ = A γ  B γ