
Definition of (equivariant) transport structure on a family.
This is the special case of filling structure where the cofibration is empty.

module fibration.transport where

open import basic
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

--↓ Type of transport structures on a family.

record TranspStr {Γ : Type } (A : Γ  Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
    --↓ We have a transport operation for every shape.

    lift : (S : Shape) (γ : Γ ^ S) (r :  S ) (a : A (γ r)) (s :  S )  A (γ s)

    cap≡ : (S : Shape) (γ : Γ ^ S) (r :  S ) (a : A (γ r))  lift S γ r a r  a

    --↓ The transport structures must satisfy an equivariance condition.

    vary :  S T (σ : Shape[ S , T ])
      (γ : Γ ^ T) (r :  S ) (a : A (γ ( σ  r))) (s :  S )
       lift T γ ( σ  r) a ( σ  s)  lift S (γ   σ ) r a s

open TranspStr public

--↓ Reindexing of transport structures.

_∘ᵗˢ_ : {A : Γ  Type } (α : TranspStr A) (ρ : Δ  Γ)  TranspStr (A  ρ)
(α ∘ᵗˢ ρ) .lift S γ = α .lift S (ρ  γ)
(α ∘ᵗˢ ρ) .cap≡ S γ = α .cap≡ S (ρ  γ)
(α ∘ᵗˢ ρ) .vary S T σ γ = α .vary S T σ (ρ  γ)

--↓ Open box corresponding to transport (i.e. with an empty tube)

transpBox : {S : Shape} (A :  S   Type ) (r :  S ) (a : A r)  OpenBox S A r
transpBox A r a .cof = 
transpBox A r a .tube _ ()
transpBox A r a .cap .out = a
transpBox A r a .cap .out≡ ()

--↓ Any fibration structure can be restricted to a transport structure.

fibStrToTranspStr : {A : Γ  Type }  FibStr A  TranspStr A
fibStrToTranspStr {A = A} α .lift S γ r a s =
  α .lift S γ r (transpBox (A  γ) r a) .fill s .out
fibStrToTranspStr {A = A} α .cap≡ S γ r a =
  α .lift S γ r (transpBox (A  γ) r a) .cap≡
fibStrToTranspStr {A = A} α .vary S T σ γ r a s =
  α .vary S T σ γ r (transpBox (A  γ) ( σ  r) a) s
   cong  box  α .lift S (γ   σ ) r box .fill s .out) (boxExt refl  _ ()) refl)

fibTranspStr : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )  TranspStr  A 
fibTranspStr A = fibStrToTranspStr (A .snd)

-- Given a transport structure on a family and a fibration structure on every fiber of the
-- family (a "homogeneous filling structure"), we can construct a fibration structure on
-- that family.
-- This would be used in an extension of the interpretation to include higher inductive
-- types.

FiberwiseFibStr : {Γ : Type }  (Γ  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
FiberwiseFibStr A =  γ  FibStr {Γ = 𝟙} (A  cst γ)

module FromFiberwiseLift {S} {A :  S   Type }
  (transp : TranspStr A)
  (hcomp : FiberwiseFibStr A)
  {r :  S } (box : OpenBox S A r)
  module _ (s :  S ) where
    fiberBox : OpenBox S (cst (A s)) r
    fiberBox .cof = box .cof
    fiberBox .tube i u = transp .lift S id i (box .tube i u) s
    fiberBox .cap .out = transp .lift S id r (box .cap .out) s
    fiberBox .cap .out≡ u = cong (transp .lift S id r ⦅–⦆ s) (box .cap .out≡ u)

    fiberFiller : Filler fiberBox
    fiberFiller = hcomp s .lift S _ r fiberBox

    filler : Filler box
    filler .fill s .out = fiberFiller s .fill s .out
    filler .fill s .out≡ u =
      sym (transp .cap≡ S id s (box .tube s u))
       fiberFiller s .fill s .out≡ u
    filler .cap≡ =
      fiberFiller r .cap≡
       transp .cap≡ S id r (box .cap .out)

module FromFiberwiseVary {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {A :  T   Type }
  (transp : TranspStr A)
  (hcomp : FiberwiseFibStr A)
  {r :  S } (box : OpenBox T A ( σ  r))

  module T = FromFiberwiseLift transp hcomp box
  module S = FromFiberwiseLift (transp ∘ᵗˢ  σ ) (hcomp   σ ) (reshapeBox σ box)

  boxEq :  s  reshapeBox σ (T.fiberBox ( σ  s))  S.fiberBox s
  boxEq s =
         i  diagonalCofElim (box .cof) λ u 
          transp .vary S T σ id i (box .tube ( σ  i) u) s)
        (transp .vary S T σ id r (box .cap .out) s)

    unfolding FromFiberwiseLift.filler
    eq :  s  T.filler .fill ( σ  s) .out  S.filler .fill s .out
    eq s =
      hcomp ( σ  s) .vary S T σ _ r (T.fiberBox ( σ  s)) s
       cong  box'  hcomp ( σ  s) .lift S _ r box' .fill s .out) (boxEq s)

transpAndFiberwiseToFibStr : {A : Γ  Type }
   TranspStr A
   FiberwiseFibStr A
   FibStr A
transpAndFiberwiseToFibStr {A = A} transp hcomp .lift S γ r box =
  FromFiberwiseLift.filler (transp ∘ᵗˢ γ) (hcomp  γ) box
transpAndFiberwiseToFibStr transp hcomp .vary S T σ γ r box s =
  FromFiberwiseVary.eq σ (transp ∘ᵗˢ γ) (hcomp  γ) box s