
Definition of fibration structures and fibrations.
Types are interpreted as fibrations in the interpretation of homotopy type theory.

module fibration.fibration where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom.cofibration
open import axiom.funext
open import axiom.shape
open import cofibration

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

infix  1 _⊢ᶠType_ _⊢ᶠ_
infixl 3 _▷ᶠ_
infixl 5 _∘ᶠˢ_ _∘ᶠ_ _$ᶠ_

-- Open boxes

--↓ The type of open boxes for a given shape S with the cap at a point r of S. An open box
--↓ consists of a cofibration, a partially defined element indexed by S (the "tube"), and
--↓ a total element (the "cap") agreeing with the tube at r.

record OpenBox (S : Shape) (A :  S   Type ) (r :  S ) : Type 
  constructor makeBox
    cof : Cof
    tube : (i :  S )  [ cof ]  A i
    cap : A r [ cof  tube r ]

open OpenBox public

--↓ A shape homomorphism σ : S → T induces a map from T-boxes to S-boxes by
--↓ precomposition.

reshapeBox :  {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {r} {A :  T   Type }
   OpenBox T A ( σ  r)  OpenBox S (A   σ ) r
reshapeBox σ box .cof = box .cof
reshapeBox σ box .tube = box .tube   σ 
reshapeBox σ box .cap = box .cap

--↓ Convenience function extending the tube of a box with another partial element.

addToTube :  {S} {A :  S   Type } {r}
  (box : OpenBox S A r)
  (φ : Cof)
  (t : (i :  S )  [ φ ]  A i [ box .cof  box .tube i ])
  (matchCap : (v : [ φ ])  t r v .out  box .cap .out)
   OpenBox S A r
addToTube box φ t matchCap .cof = box .cof  φ
addToTube box φ t matchCap .tube i =
  ∨-rec (box .tube i) (out  t i)  u v  t i v .out≡ u)
addToTube box φ t matchCap .cap .out = box .cap .out
addToTube box φ t matchCap .cap .out≡ =
  ∨-elimEq (box .cap .out≡) matchCap

-- Open boxes as partial elements.

--↓ An S-box with cofibration φ and cap at r can also be encoded as a family over
--↓ over s : S defined on φ ∨ r ≈ s. This representation is sometimes more convenient.

boxToPartial :  {S} {A :  S   Type } {r} (box : OpenBox S A r)
  (s :  S )  [ box .cof  S  r  s ]  A s
boxToPartial box s =
    (box .tube s)
     {refl  box .cap .out})
     {u refl  box .cap .out≡ u})

partialToBox :  {S} {A :  S   Type } {r} (φ : Cof)
   ((s :  S )  [ φ  S  r  s ]  A s)
   OpenBox S A r
partialToBox φ part .cof = φ
partialToBox φ part .tube i = part i  ∨l
partialToBox φ part .cap .out = part _ (∨r refl)
partialToBox {S = S} {r = r} φ part .cap .out≡ u =
  cong (part _) (cofIsStrictProp' (φ  S  r  r))

--↓ Action of shape homomorphisms on open boxes encoded as partial elements.

reshapePartial :  {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {r} {φ : Cof}
  {A : (j :  T )  [ φ  T   σ  r  j ]  Type }
   ((j :  T ) (v : [ φ  T   σ  r  j ])  A j v)
   ((i :  S ) (u : [ φ  S  r  i ])  A ( σ  i) ((id ∨` cong  σ ) u))
reshapePartial σ part i = part ( σ  i)  (id ∨` cong  σ )

--↓ Reshaping open boxes commutes with the conversion from the record to the
--↓ partial-element representation.

  reshapeBoxToPartial :  {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {A :  T   Type } {r}
    (box : OpenBox T A ( σ  r))
    (s :  S )
    (v : [ box .cof  T   σ  r   σ  s ])
    (u : [ box .cof  S  r  s ])
     boxToPartial box ( σ  s) v  boxToPartial (reshapeBox σ box) s u
  reshapeBoxToPartial {S = S} {T} σ {r = r} box s =
    takeOutCof (box .cof) (T   σ  r   σ  s) (S  r  s)
       u  refl)
       {refl refl  refl})

-- Solutions to individual lifting problems.

--↓ A filler for an S-box over A is a section of A that restricts to its tube and cap
--↓ where they are defined.

record Filler {S : Shape} {A :  S   Type } {r :  S } (box : OpenBox S A r) : Type 
  constructor makeFiller
    fill : (s :  S )  A s [ box .cof  box .tube s ]
    cap≡ : fill r .out  box .cap .out

open Filler public

--↓ A shape homomorphism σ : S → T induces a map from T-fillers to S-fillers by
--↓ precomposition.

reshapeFiller : {S T : Shape} (σ : Shape[ S , T ])
  {A :  T   Type } {r :  S }
  {box : OpenBox T A ( σ  r)}
   Filler box
   Filler (reshapeBox σ box)
reshapeFiller σ w .fill = w .fill   σ 
reshapeFiller σ w .cap≡ = w .cap≡

--↓ A total section fitting an open box encoded as a partial section is the same as a
--↓ filler for the open box encoded as a record.

fitsPartialToFiller :  {S} {A :  S   Type } {r} {box : OpenBox S A r}
   ((s :  S )  A s [ box .cof  S  r  s  boxToPartial box s ])
   Filler box
fitsPartialToFiller total .fill s = narrow (total s) ∨l
fitsPartialToFiller total .cap≡ = sym (total _ .out≡ (∨r refl))

fillerToFitsPartial :  {S} {A :  S   Type } {r} {box : OpenBox S A r}
   Filler box
   ((s :  S )  A s [ box .cof  S  r  s  boxToPartial box s ])
fillerToFitsPartial filler s .out = filler .fill s .out
fillerToFitsPartial filler s .out≡ =
  ∨-elimEq (filler .fill s .out≡)  {refl  sym (filler .cap≡)})

-- Equivariant fibrations.

--↓ Type of operations filling open boxes over a given shape-indexed family.

LocalFillStr : (S : Shape) (A :  S   Type )  Type 
LocalFillStr S A =  r (box : OpenBox S A r)  Filler box

--↓ A filling structure on a family consists of a local filling structure for every
--↓ reindexing of the family over a shape. This would be the definition of fibration in
--↓ a "non-equivariant fibration" model.

FillStr : (S : Shape) {Γ : Type } (A : Γ  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
FillStr S {Γ} A = (γ : Γ ^ S)  LocalFillStr S (A  γ)

--↓ The equivariance condition on local filling structures associated to a shape
--↓ homomorphism σ : S → T. Filling an open box over T and then composing with σ should be
--↓ the same as composing the box with σ and then filling over S.

LocalEquivariance : {S T : Shape} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {A :  T   Type }
   LocalFillStr T A  LocalFillStr S (A   σ )  Type 
LocalEquivariance σ liftT liftS =
   r box s 
  reshapeFiller σ (liftT ( σ  r) box) .fill s .out
   liftS r (reshapeBox σ box) .fill s .out

Equivariance : {S T : Shape} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {Γ : Type } (A : Γ  Type ℓ')
   FillStr T A  FillStr S A  Type (  ℓ')
Equivariance {T = T} σ {Γ} A fillT fillS =
  (γ : Γ ^ T)  LocalEquivariance σ (fillT γ) (fillS (γ   σ ))

--↓ Definition of an equivariant fibration structure.

record FibStr {Γ : Type } (A : Γ  Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
  constructor makeFib
    --↓ We have a filling structure for every shape.

    lift : (S : Shape)  FillStr S A

    --↓ The filling structures satisfy the equivariance condition.

    vary :  S T (σ : Shape[ S , T ])  Equivariance σ A (lift T) (lift S)

open FibStr public

--↓ Fibrant type judgment.

_⊢ᶠType_ : (Γ : Type ) (ℓ' : Level)  Type (  lsuc ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ' = Σ (Γ  Type ℓ') FibStr

--↓ Convenient and/or suggestive notation for accessing the underlying family of a fibrant
--↓ type and evaluating the family at some instantiation of the context (i.e., taking some
--↓ fiber).

∣_∣ : (Γ ⊢ᶠType )  (Γ  Type )
 A  = A .fst

_$ᶠ_ : (Γ ⊢ᶠType )  Γ  Type 
A $ᶠ γ =  A  γ

--↓ Term of a fibrant type.
--↓ This is just a term of the underlying extensional type.

_⊢ᶠ_ : (Γ : Type ) (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠ A = Γ ⊢ˣ  A 

--↓ Context extension by a fibrant type.
--↓ This is just extension by the underlying extensional type.

_▷ᶠ_ : (Γ : Type ) (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
Γ ▷ᶠ A = Γ ▷ˣ  A 

-- Reindexing fibration structures and fibrations

--↓ Reindexing of fibration structures.

_∘ᶠˢ_ : {A : Γ  Type } (α : FibStr A) (ρ : Δ  Γ)  FibStr (A  ρ)
(α ∘ᶠˢ ρ) .lift S γ r = α .lift S (ρ  γ) r
(α ∘ᶠˢ ρ) .vary S T σ γ r = α .vary S T σ (ρ  γ) r

--↓ Reindexing of fibrations.

_∘ᶠ_ : (Γ ⊢ᶠType )  (Δ  Γ)  Δ ⊢ᶠType 
(A ∘ᶠ ρ) .fst = A .fst  ρ
(A ∘ᶠ ρ) .snd = (A .snd) ∘ᶠˢ ρ

--↓ Restriction of a fibration structure or fibration along a cofibration.

_↾ᶠˢ_ : {A : Γ  Type } (α : FibStr A) (φ : Γ  Cof)  FibStr (A  φ)
(α ↾ᶠˢ φ) = α ∘ᶠˢ 𝒑

_↾ᶠ_ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (φ : Γ  Cof)  Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType 
(A ↾ᶠ φ) = A ∘ᶠ 𝒑

--↓ Reindexing fibration structures commutes with substitution.

  reindexSubst : {A A' : Γ  Type }
    (α : FibStr A) (P : A  A') (ρ : Δ  Γ) (Q : A  ρ  A'  ρ)
     subst FibStr P α ∘ᶠˢ ρ  subst FibStr Q (α ∘ᶠˢ ρ)
  reindexSubst α refl ρ refl = refl

-- Mapping boxes and fillers.

mapBox : {S : Shape} {r :  S }
  {A :  S   Type } {B :  S   Type ℓ'}
   (∀ {s}  A s  B s)
   OpenBox S A r  OpenBox S B r
mapBox f box .cof = box .cof
mapBox f box .tube i u = f (box .tube i u)
mapBox f box .cap .out = f (box .cap .out)
mapBox f box .cap .out≡ u = cong f (box .cap .out≡ u)

mapFiller : {S : Shape} {r :  S }
  {A :  S   Type } {B :  S   Type ℓ'}
  (f :  {s}  A s  B s)
  {box : OpenBox S A r}
   Filler box  Filler (mapBox f box)
mapFiller f filler .fill s = mapRestrict f (filler .fill s)
mapFiller f filler .cap≡ = cong f (filler .cap≡)

-- Extensionality principles.

  boxExt : {S : Shape} {A :  S   Type } {r :  S }
    {box₀ box₁ : OpenBox S A r}
     box₀ .cof  box₁ .cof
     (∀ i u v  box₀ .tube i u  box₁ .tube i v)
     box₀ .cap .out  box₁ .cap .out
     box₀  box₁
  boxExt {box₀ = box₀} refl q refl =
    congΣ  t c  makeBox (box₀ .cof) t (makeRestrict (box₀ .cap .out) c))
      (funExt' $ funExt' $ q _ _ _)
      (funExt' uip')

  boxExtDep : {S : Shape} {B : Type } {A : B   S   Type ℓ'}
    {b₀ b₁ : B} (b : b₀  b₁)
    {r :  S }
    {box₀ : OpenBox S (A b₀) r} {box₁ : OpenBox S (A b₁) r}
     box₀ .cof  box₁ .cof
     (∀ i u v  subst  b'  A b' i) b (box₀ .tube i u)  box₁ .tube i v)
     subst (A ⦅–⦆ r) b (box₀ .cap .out)  box₁ .cap .out
     subst (OpenBox S ⦅–⦆ r  A) b box₀  box₁
  boxExtDep refl = boxExt

  fillerExt : {S : Shape} {A :  S   Type }  {r :  S }
    {box : OpenBox S A r}
    {f₀ f₁ : Filler box}
     (∀ s  f₀ .fill s .out  f₁ .fill s .out)
     f₀  f₁
  fillerExt p =
    congΣ makeFiller (funExt $ restrictExt  p) uip'

  FibStrExt : {A : Γ  Type } {α₀ α₁ : FibStr A}
     (∀ S γ r box s  α₀ .lift S γ r box .fill s .out  α₁ .lift S γ r box .fill s .out)
     α₀  α₁
  FibStrExt q =
    congΣ makeFib
      (funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ fillerExt $ q _ _ _ _)
      (funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' uip')

-- Filling boxes expressed as partial elements in fibrations.

fibLiftPartial : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  (S : Shape) (γ : Γ ^ S) (r :  S ) (φ : Cof)
  (part : (s :  S )  [ φ  S  r  s ]  A $ᶠ γ s)
   (s :  S )  A $ᶠ γ s [ φ  S  r  s  part s ]
fibLiftPartial (_ , α) S γ r φ part s .out =
  α .lift S γ r (partialToBox φ part) .fill s .out
fibLiftPartial (_ , α) S γ r φ part s .out≡ =
    (α .lift S γ r (partialToBox φ part) .fill s .out≡)
     {refl  sym (α .lift S γ r (partialToBox φ part) .cap≡)})

fibVaryPartial :  (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) (γ : Γ ^ T) (r :  S ) (φ : Cof)
  (part : (t :  T )  [ φ  T   σ  r  t ]  A $ᶠ γ t)
  (s :  S )
   fibLiftPartial A T γ ( σ  r) φ part ( σ  s) .out
     fibLiftPartial A S (γ   σ ) r φ (reshapePartial σ part) s .out
fibVaryPartial (_ , α) σ γ r φ part s =
  α .vary _ _ σ γ r (partialToBox φ part) s
     box'  α .lift _ (γ   σ ) r box' .fill s .out)
    (boxExt refl  _ _ _  cong (part _) (cofIsStrictProp' (_  _))) refl)

-- A strict retract of a fibration is a fibration.

Retractˣ : (A : Γ  Type ) (B : Γ  Type ℓ')  (Γ  Type (  ℓ'))
Retractˣ A B γ = Retract (A γ) (B γ)

  retractFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ  Type ℓ'}
     Γ ⊢ˣ Retractˣ A B  FibStr B  FibStr A
  retractFibStr retract β .lift S γ r box = filler
    fillerB : Filler (mapBox (retract _ .sec) box)
    fillerB = β .lift S γ r (mapBox (retract _ .sec) box)

    filler : Filler box
    filler .fill s .out = retract (γ s) .ret (fillerB .fill s .out)
    filler .fill s .out≡ u =
      sym (retract (γ s) .inv _)
       cong (retract (γ s) .ret) (fillerB .fill s .out≡ u)
    filler .cap≡ =
      cong (retract (γ r) .ret) (fillerB .cap≡)
       retract (γ r) .inv _

  retractFibStr retract β .vary S T σ γ r box s =
    cong (retract _ .ret) (β .vary S T σ γ r (mapBox (retract _ .sec) box) s)

  unfolding retractFibStr
  reindexRetractFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ  Type ℓ'}
    (retract : Γ ⊢ˣ Retractˣ A B) {β : FibStr B} (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     retractFibStr retract β ∘ᶠˢ ρ   retractFibStr (retract  ρ) (β ∘ᶠˢ ρ)
  reindexRetractFibStr retract ρ = FibStrExt λ _ _ _ _ _  refl

--↓ Corollary: fibration structures can be transferred across isomorphisms.

  isomorphFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ  Type ℓ'}
     Γ ⊢ˣ A ≅ˣ B  FibStr B  FibStr A
  isomorphFibStr iso β = retractFibStr (isoToRetract  iso) β

  unfolding isomorphFibStr
  reindexIsomorphFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {B : Γ  Type ℓ'}
    (iso : Γ ⊢ˣ A ≅ˣ B) {β : FibStr B} (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     isomorphFibStr iso β ∘ᶠˢ ρ  isomorphFibStr (iso  ρ) (β ∘ᶠˢ ρ)
  reindexIsomorphFibStr _ = reindexRetractFibStr _