
Definition of trivial fibration structure.

module fibration.trivial where

open import basic
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

--↓ Type of contractibility structures on a type.
--↓ A contractibility structure extends any partial element to a total element.

Contr : Type   Type 
Contr A = ((φ , a) : A )  A [ φ  a ]

--↓ Type of trivial fibration structures on a family.
--↓ A trivial fibration structure consists of a contractibility structure on each fiber.

TFibStr : {Γ : Type } (A : Γ  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
TFibStr A =  γ  Contr (A γ)

--↓ Type of trivial fibrations in a given context.

_⊢ᶠTriv_ : (Γ : Type ) (ℓ' : Level)  Type (  lsuc ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠTriv ℓ' = Σ (Γ  Type ℓ') TFibStr

--↓ Any trivial fibration structure induces a fibration structure.

  TFibStrToFibStr : {A : Γ  Type ℓ'}  TFibStr A  FibStr A
  TFibStrToFibStr c .lift S γ r box =
    fitsPartialToFiller λ s 
    c (γ s) (box .cof  S  r  s , boxToPartial box s)
  TFibStrToFibStr c .vary S T σ γ r box s =
    cong (out  c _) $
    Σext cofEq $
    substDom [_] cofEq _
     funExt  u  reshapeBoxToPartial σ box s (subst [_] (sym cofEq) u) u)
    cofEq : (box .cof  T   σ  r   σ  s)  (box .cof  S  r  s)
    cofEq = cong (box .cof ∨_) (≈Equivariant σ r s)

  reindexTFibStrToFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {c : TFibStr A} (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     TFibStrToFibStr c ∘ᶠˢ ρ  TFibStrToFibStr (c  ρ)
  reindexTFibStrToFibStr ρ = refl

TFibToFib : Γ ⊢ᶠTriv   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
TFibToFib A .fst = A .fst
TFibToFib A .snd = TFibStrToFibStr (A .snd)

--↓ Reindexing for trivial fibrations.

_∘ᵗᶠ_ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠTriv ) (ρ : Δ  Γ)  Δ ⊢ᶠTriv 
(A ∘ᵗᶠ ρ) .fst = A .fst  ρ
(A ∘ᵗᶠ ρ) .snd = A .snd  ρ

--↓ Forgetting that a fibration is trivial commutes with reindexing.

  reindexTFibToFib : {A : Γ ⊢ᶠTriv } (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     TFibToFib A ∘ᶠ ρ  TFibToFib (A ∘ᵗᶠ ρ)
  reindexTFibToFib ρ = Σext refl (reindexTFibStrToFibStr ρ)