
  Properties of fibrant replacement.

module fibration.fibrant-replacement where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration

private variable
   ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

--↓ The fibrant replacement of a map A → Γ is a fibration over Γ

FibReplaceFibStr : {A : Type } (π : A  Γ)  FibStr (FibReplace π)
FibReplaceFibStr π .lift S p r box =
  fitsPartialToFiller total
  total :  s  FibReplace π (p s) [ box .cof  S  r  s  boxToPartial box s ]
  total s .out = liftfr π S p r (box .cof) (boxToPartial box) s
  total s .out≡ = matchfr π S p r (box .cof) (boxToPartial box) s
FibReplaceFibStr π .vary S T σ p r box s =
  varyfr π S T σ p r (box .cof) (boxToPartial box) s
       box'  liftfr π S (p   σ ) r (box .cof) box' s)
      (funExt λ i  funExt λ u  reshapeBoxToPartial σ box i ((id ∨` cong  σ ) u) u)

FibReplaceᶠ : {Γ : Type } {A : Type ℓ'} (π : A  Γ)  Γ ⊢ᶠType (  ℓ')
FibReplaceᶠ π .fst = FibReplace π
FibReplaceᶠ π .snd = FibReplaceFibStr π

--↓ Given a (fibrant) type family P over the fibrant replacement of a map π : A → Γ,
--↓ a section of the pullback of P to A induces a section of P.

FibReplace-elimFib :
  {A : Type } (π : A  Γ)
  (P : Γ ▷ˣ FibReplace π ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  (infr* : (a : A)  P $ᶠ (π a , infr π a))
   (γ : Γ) (t : FibReplace π γ)  P $ᶠ (γ , t)
FibReplace-elimFib π P infr* =
  FibReplace-elim π
     S γ r φ part part* s 
      fibLiftPartial P S (γ ,, liftfr π S γ r φ part) r φ (fixPart γ part*) s .out)
     S γ r φ part part* s 
      fibLiftPartial P S (γ ,, liftfr π S γ r φ part) r φ (fixPart γ part*) s .out≡)
     S T σ γ r φ part part* s 
      fibVaryPartial P σ (γ ,, liftfr π T γ ( σ  r) φ part) r φ (fixPart γ part*) s
       cong  part'  fibLiftPartial P S _ r φ part' s .out) (reshapeFixPart σ γ part*))
  fixPart :  {S} γ {r} {φ} {part}
     ((i :  S ) (u : [ φ  S  r  i ])  P $ᶠ (γ i , part i u))
     (i :  S )  [ φ  S  r  i ]  P $ᶠ (γ i , liftfr π S γ r φ part i)
  fixPart γ part* i u =
    subst ( P   (γ i ,_)) (matchfr π _ γ _ _ _ i u) (part* i u)

  reshapeFixPart :  {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) γ {r} {φ}
    {part : (i :  T )  [ φ  T   σ  r  i ]  _}
    (part* : (i :  T ) (u : [ φ  T   σ  r  i ])  P $ᶠ (γ i , part i u))
     reshapePartial σ (fixPart γ part*)  fixPart (γ   σ ) (reshapePartial σ part*)
  reshapeFixPart σ γ part* =
      funExt λ i 
      funExt λ u 
      cong (subst ( P   (γ ( σ  i) ,_)) ⦅–⦆ (reshapePartial σ part* i u)) uip'

--↓ Non-recursive eliminator for the fibrant replacement: a map over Γ from π : A → Γ into
--↓ a fibration induces a map over Γ from its fibrant replacement.

FibReplace-recFib :
  {A : Type } (π : A  Γ)
  (P : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  (infr* : (a : A)  P $ᶠ π a)
   (γ : Γ)  FibReplace π γ  P $ᶠ γ
FibReplace-recFib π P infr* =
  FibReplace-elimFib π (P ∘ᶠ 𝒑) infr*