
The right adjoint √ to exponentation by a shape extends (with a caveat) to a dependent right
adjoint (DRA) √ᴰ in the sense of

[1] Birkedal, Clouston, Mannaa, Møgelberg, Pitts, & Spitters.
    Modal dependent type theory and dependent right adjoints.

This is convenient for defining the universe of fibrations (especially with the added
complication of the equivariance condition), as observed in passing in

[2] Licata, Orton, Pitts, & Spitters.
    Internal Universes in Models of Homotopy Type Theory.

The caveat concerns universe level: the definition of √ᴰ uses a universe 𝑽, and √ᴰ then
takes 𝑽-small types to types in the *next* universe. Compare the construction in §4 of
[1], where *local* universes are used to construct a CwF with a DRA.

In the motivating cubical set semantics, it should be possible to define √ᴰ in such a way
that it does not raise universe level. Given a type family Γˢ.A → Γˢ we apply the right
adjoint √ and reindex along the unit Γ → √(Γˢ) to define a family Γ.√B → Γ.

Γ.√B → √(Γˢ.B)
 | ⌟     |
 ↓       ↓
 Γ ———→ √(Γˢ)

In our internal setting, however, we cannot see that √ preserves locally 𝑽-small maps.

Using the fact that exponentiation by a shape has a further left adjoint (namely product
with that shape), we formulate the elimination rule in the style of

[3] Gratzer, Cavallo, Kavvos, Guatto, & Birkedal.
    Modalities and parametric adjoints.

Such a connective is also described in

[4] Riley.
    A Type Theory with a Tiny Object.

module tiny.dependent where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom.funext
open import axiom.shape
open import axiom.cofibration
open import axiom.tiny
open import tiny.basic

infixr 5 _√ᴰ_

--↓ Definition of the dependent right adjoint, which takes a family B over Γ ^ S and
--↓ produces a family S √ᴰ B over Γ, with the intention that we have a natural isomorphism
--↓ between sections of Γ ^ S ⊢ B and sections of Γ ⊢ S √ᴰ B.

  _√ᴰ_ :  {@ ℓ'} (@S : Shape) {@Γ : Type }
    (@B : Γ ^ S  Type ℓ')
     (Γ  Type (lsuc ℓ'))
  _√ᴰ_ {ℓ' = ℓ'} S B γ =
    Σ C  S  (Type* ℓ') , √` fst C  transposeRight B γ
    open Tiny S

module DependentTiny (@S : Shape) where

  open Tiny S

    unfolding _√ᴰ_

    --↓ The operator √ᴰ commutes with reindexing. Unfortunately this equality is not
    --↓ definitional, which leads to some bureaucratic complications later on.

    reindex√ :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''} {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'}
      (@B : Γ' ^ S  Type ℓ'')
      (@ρ : Γ  Γ')
        γ  ((S √ᴰ B)  ρ) γ  (S √ᴰ (B  (ρ `^ S))) γ
    reindex√ B ρ _ =
         T  Σ C  S  (Type* _) , √` fst C  T)
        (cong$ (sym (transposeRight^ ρ B)))

  --↓ Helper functions for shifting substitutions in and out of √ᴰ; these are just
  --↓ instances of coercion along the equality proven above.

  module _ {@ ℓ' ℓ''} {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'}
    {@B : Γ' ^ S  Type ℓ''} (@ρ : Γ  Γ')

    doReindex√ : Γ ⊢ˣ (S √ᴰ B)  ρ →ˣ S √ᴰ (B  (ρ `^ S))
    doReindex√ γ = coe (reindex√ B ρ γ)

    undoReindex√ : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ (B  (ρ `^ S)) →ˣ (S √ᴰ B)  ρ
    undoReindex√ γ = coe (sym (reindex√ B ρ γ))

    doUndoReindex√ : (b : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ (B  (ρ `^ S)))
       appˣ doReindex√ (appˣ undoReindex√ b)  b
    doUndoReindex√ b =
      funExt λ γ  adjustSubstEq id refl _ (reindex√ B ρ γ) refl refl

    undoDoReindex√ : (b : Γ ⊢ˣ (S √ᴰ B)  ρ)
       appˣ undoReindex√ (appˣ doReindex√ b)  b
    undoDoReindex√ b =
      funExt λ γ  adjustSubstEq id refl _ (sym (reindex√ B ρ γ)) refl refl

  module _ {@ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ'''}
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} {@Γ'' : Type ℓ''}
    {@B : Γ'' ^ S  Type ℓ'''}
    (@ρ' : Γ'  Γ'') (@ρ : Γ  Γ')

    doReindex√-∘ : (b : Γ ⊢ˣ (S √ᴰ B)  ρ'  ρ)
       appˣ (doReindex√ ρ) (appˣ (doReindex√ ρ'  ρ) b)
         appˣ (doReindex√ (ρ'  ρ)) b
    doReindex√-∘ b =
      funExt λ γ 
      adjustSubstEq id
        (reindex√ B ρ' (ρ γ))
        (reindex√ (B  (ρ' `^ S)) ρ γ)
        (reindex√ B (ρ'  ρ) γ)

    undoReindex√-∘ : (b : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ (B  (ρ'  ρ) `^ S))
       appˣ (undoReindex√ ρ'  ρ) (appˣ (undoReindex√ ρ) b)
         appˣ (undoReindex√ (ρ'  ρ)) b
    undoReindex√-∘ b =
      funExt λ γ 
      adjustSubstEq id
        (sym (reindex√ (B  (ρ' `^ S)) ρ γ))
        (sym (reindex√ B ρ' (ρ γ)))
        (sym (reindex√ B (ρ'  ρ) γ))

  module _ {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } {@B : Γ ^ S  Type ℓ'} where

      unfolding _√ᴰ_

      --↓ Introduction rule for √ᴰ, corresponding to left-to-right transposition along the
      --↓ adjunction.

      shut√ : @(Γ ^ S ⊢ˣ B)  (Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)
      shut√ b γ .fst = transposeRight (B ,, b) γ
      shut√ b γ .snd = cong$ (√TransposeRight fst (B ,, b))

      --↓ Inverse to the introduction rule, corresopnding to right-to-left transposition.

      unshut√ : @(Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)  (Γ ^ S ⊢ˣ B)
      unshut√ t γ =
          (cong$ (√TransposeLeft fst (fst  t)  cong♭ transposeLeft (funExt (snd  t))))
          (transposeLeft (fst  t) γ .snd)

      --↓ Inverse laws.

      unshutShut√ : (@b : Γ ^ S ⊢ˣ B)  unshut√ (shut√ b)  b
      unshutShut√ b =
        funExt' $ adjustSubstEq id refl refl _ refl refl

      shutUnshut√ : (@t : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)  shut√ (unshut√ t)  t
      shutUnshut√ t =
        funExt' $ Σext (cong$ (cong♭ transposeRight (sym lemma))) uip'
        lemma : transposeLeft (fst  t)  (B ,, unshut√ t)
        lemma = funExt' $ Σext _ refl

  --↓ Elimination rule for √ᴰ. We prefer this to unshut√ because it lands in an arbitrary
  --↓ context Γ and thus has better properties with respect to reindexing.

  open√ :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } {@B : Γ ▷⟨ S  ^ S  Type ℓ'}
     @(Γ ▷⟨ S  ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)
     Γ ⊢ˣ B  ^-unit S
  open√ t = unshut√ t  ^-unit S

  module _ {@ ℓ' ℓ''} {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} {@B : Γ' ^ S  Type ℓ''}

      unfolding reindex√ shut√

      --↓ The introduction rule commutes with reindexing.

      reindexShut√ : (@b : Γ' ^ S ⊢ˣ B) (@ρ : Γ  Γ')
         appˣ (doReindex√ ρ) (shut√ b  ρ)  shut√ (b  (ρ `^ S))
      reindexShut√ b ρ =
        funExt λ γ 
             T  Σ C  _ , √` fst C  T)
            (cong$ (sym (transposeRight^ ρ B))) _)
          (substNaturality fst (cong$ (sym (transposeRight^ ρ B)))
             substConst (cong$ (sym (transposeRight^ ρ B))) _
             cong$ (sym (transposeRight^ ρ (B ,, b))))

    --↓ The inverse to the introduction rule commutes with reindexing along substitutions
    --↓ of the form (ρ `^ S).

      reindexUnshut√ : (@g : Γ' ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B) (@ρ : Γ  Γ')
         unshut√ g  (ρ `^ S)  unshut√ (appˣ (doReindex√ ρ) (g  ρ))
      reindexUnshut√ g ρ =
        sym (unshutShut√ (unshut√ g  (ρ `^ S)))
         cong♭ unshut√
          (sym (reindexShut√ (unshut√ g) ρ)
             cong (appˣ (doReindex√ ρ)) (cong (_∘ ρ) (shutUnshut√ g)))

  --↓ The elimination rule commutes with reindexing.

  reindexOpen√ :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''}
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'}
    {@B : Γ' ▷⟨ S  ^ S  Type ℓ''}
    (@ρ : Γ  Γ')
    (@t : Γ' ▷⟨ S  ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)
     open√ t  ρ  open√ (appˣ (doReindex√ (ρ ×id)) (t  ρ ×id))
  reindexOpen√ ρ t =
    cong (_∘ ^-unit S) (reindexUnshut√ t (ρ ×id))

    --↓ Computation (β) rule.

    openShut√ :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } {@B : (Γ ▷⟨ S ) ^ S  Type ℓ'}
      (@b : Γ ▷⟨ S  ^ S ⊢ˣ B)
       open√ (shut√ b)  b  ^-unit S
    openShut√ b = cong (_∘ ^-unit S) (unshutShut√ b)

    --↓ Uniqueness (η) rule.

    shutOpen√ :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } {@B : Γ ^ S  Type ℓ'}
      (@t : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)
       t  shut√ (open√ (appˣ (doReindex√ (^-counit S)) (t  ^-counit S)))
    shutOpen√ t =
      sym (shutUnshut√ t)
       cong♭ shut√ (cong (_∘ ^-unit S) (reindexUnshut√ t (^-counit S)))

    --↓ √ᴰ preserves propositions (with respect to strict equality). First we prove that
    --↓ if the type of sections of Γ ^ S ⊢ˣ B is a proposition, then so is the type of
    --↓ sections of Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B . Then we use this to deduce that if all fibers of B are
    --↓ propositions, then so are all fibers of S √ᴰ B.

    √ᴰPreservesPropSections :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type }
      (@B : Γ ^ S  Type ℓ')
       @((@b b' : Γ ^ S ⊢ˣ B)  b  b')
       ((@t t' : Γ ⊢ˣ S √ᴰ B)  t  t')
    √ᴰPreservesPropSections B propB t t' =
      shutOpen√ t  cong♭ shut√ (propB _ _)  sym (shutOpen√ t')

    √ᴰPreservesProp :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type }
      (@B : Γ ^ S  Type ℓ')
       @(∀ γ  isStrictProp (B γ))
        γ  isStrictProp ((S √ᴰ B) γ)
    √ᴰPreservesProp {Γ = Γ} B propB γ t t' =
      cong$ {a = γ , (t , t')} equateGenericPoints
      equateGenericPoints : Γ ▷ˣ (S √ᴰ B ×ˣ S √ᴰ B) ⊢ˣ fstˣ 𝒒  sndˣ 𝒒  (S √ᴰ B)  𝒑
      equateGenericPoints =
        sym (undoDoReindex√ 𝒑 (fstˣ 𝒒))
         cong (appˣ (undoReindex√ 𝒑))
            (B  (𝒑 `^ S))
             b b'  funExt λ γ'  propB (𝒑  γ') (b γ') (b' γ'))
            (appˣ (doReindex√ 𝒑) (fstˣ 𝒒))
            (appˣ (doReindex√ 𝒑) (sndˣ 𝒒)))
         undoDoReindex√ 𝒑 (sndˣ 𝒒)