
Fibrancy of extension types over shapes.

module type-former.extension where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration

private variable
   : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

-- Definition of an extension type over a shape Z, type A over ⟨ Z ⟩, and partial element
-- of A in the context extended by Z. Elements are functions from Z to A which extend the
-- partial element.
-- For this to define a fibrant type when A is fibrant, it is important that the domain of
-- definition of the partial element (φ below) depend only on Z and not on the ambient
-- context.

Extensionˣ : (Z : Shape)
  (A : Γ ▷⟨ Z   Type )
  (φ :  Z   Cof)
  (a : Γ ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ˣ A  (φ  𝒒))
   Γ  Type 
Extensionˣ Z A φ a γ =
  (z :  Z )  A (γ , z) [ φ z  curry a (γ , z) ]

-- Fibrancy of extension types.

module ExtensionLift {Z φ S r}
  {A :  S  ▷⟨ Z   Type } (α : FibStr A)
  {a :  S  ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ˣ A  (φ  𝒒)}
  (box : OpenBox S (Extensionˣ Z A φ a) r)

  module _ (z :  Z ) where

    pointwiseBox : OpenBox S (A  (_, z)) r
    pointwiseBox =
        (mapBox (out  (_$ z)) box)
        (φ z)
         i v  λ where
          .out  a (i , z , v)
          .out≡ u  sym (box .tube i u z .out≡ v))
         v  box .cap .out z .out≡ v)

    pointwiseFill = α .lift S (_, z) r pointwiseBox

  filler : Filler box
  filler .fill s .out z .out = pointwiseFill z .fill s .out
  filler .fill s .out z .out≡ v = pointwiseFill z .fill s .out≡ (∨r v)
  filler .fill s .out≡ u =
    funExt λ z  restrictExt (pointwiseFill z .fill s .out≡ (∨l u))
  filler .cap≡ = funExt λ z  restrictExt (pointwiseFill z .cap≡)

module ExtensionVary {Z φ S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {r}
  {A :  T  ▷⟨ Z   Type } (α : FibStr A)
  {a :  T  ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ˣ A  (φ  𝒒)}
  (box : OpenBox T (Extensionˣ Z A φ a) ( σ  r))

  module T = ExtensionLift α box
  module S = ExtensionLift (α ∘ᶠˢ ( σ  ×id)) (reshapeBox σ box)

  eq : (s :  S )  T.filler .fill ( σ  s) .out  S.filler .fill s .out
  eq s =
    funExt λ z 
    restrictExt $
    α .vary S T σ (_, z) r (T.pointwiseBox z) s
     cong  b  α .lift S ((_, z)   σ ) r b .fill s .out)
        (boxExt refl
            diagonalCofElim (box .cof  φ z) $
            ∨-elimEq  _  refl)  _  refl))

  ExtensionFibStr : (Z : Shape)
    {A : Γ ▷⟨ Z   Type } (α : FibStr A)
    (φ :  Z   Cof)
    (a : Γ ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ˣ A  (φ  𝒒))
     FibStr (Extensionˣ Z A φ a)
  ExtensionFibStr Z α φ a .lift S γ r = ExtensionLift.filler (α ∘ᶠˢ (γ ×id))
  ExtensionFibStr Z α φ a .vary S T σ γ r = ExtensionVary.eq σ (α ∘ᶠˢ (γ ×id))

  --↓ Forming extension types is stable under reindexing

  reindexExtensionFibStr : {Z : Shape}
    {A : Γ ▷⟨ Z   Type } {α : FibStr A}
    {φ :  Z   Cof}
    {a : Γ ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ˣ A  (φ  𝒒)}
    (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     ExtensionFibStr Z α φ a ∘ᶠˢ ρ
       ExtensionFibStr Z (α ∘ᶠˢ ρ ×id) φ (a  ρ ×id ×id)
  reindexExtensionFibStr ρ = FibStrExt λ _ _ _ _ _  refl

Extensionᶠ : (Z : Shape) (A : Γ ▷⟨ Z  ⊢ᶠType ) (φ :  Z   Cof)
  (a : Γ ▷⟨ Z  ▷[ φ  𝒒 ] ⊢ᶠ A ↾ᶠ (φ  𝒒))
   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
Extensionᶠ Z A φ a .fst = Extensionˣ Z (A .fst) φ a
Extensionᶠ Z A φ a .snd = ExtensionFibStr Z (A .snd) φ a