
Realignment for fibrations along cofibrations.

First we prove that the notion of fibration is /relatively acyclic/. We use this in
combination with realignment for the internal extensional type theory (see
axiom.realignment) to prove realignment for fibrations.

module fibration.realignment where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration

private variable
   : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

-- Relative acyclicity, i.e. realigning fibration structures.
-- Given
-- ∘ a fibration B over Γ,
-- ∘ a cofibration φ over Γ,
-- ∘ a "partial" fibration structure α on the restricted family B ↾ φ over Γ ▷[ φ ] ,
-- there exists a fibration structure on B that restricts on φ to α.

--↓ Construction of lifts on for the realigned fibration structure.

module RealignLift {S r} (φ :  S   Cof)
  {B :  S   Type } (β : FibStr B)
  (α : FibStr (B  φ))
  (box : OpenBox S B r)

  --↓ First, use the partial fibration structure to construct a lift when the cofibration
  --↓ ∀φ holds.

  fillPartial : [ all S φ ]  Filler box
  fillPartial u = α .lift S (id ,, u) r box

  --↓ Use the total fibration structure to construct a lift for the original box that
  --↓ also agrees on ∀φ with the partial lift just constructed.

  boxTotal : OpenBox S B r
  boxTotal =
      (all S φ)
       i u  fillPartial u .fill i)
       v  fillPartial v .cap≡)

  fillTotal = β .lift S id r boxTotal

  --↓ Extract a filler for the original lifting problem.

  filler : Filler box
  filler .fill s .out = fillTotal .fill s .out
  filler .fill s .out≡ v = fillTotal .fill s .out≡ (∨l v)
  filler .cap≡ = fillTotal .cap≡

--↓ Proof that the lifts satisfy the equivariance condition.
--↓ This proof relies on the invariance of ∀ under shape homomorphisms, i.e., that for
--↓ any shape homorphism σ : S → T the cofibrations ∀t:T.φ(t) and ∀s:S.φ(σ(s)) are equal.

module RealignVary {S T} (σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {r}
  (φ :  T   Cof)
  {B :  T   Type } (β : FibStr B)
  (α : FibStr (B  φ))
  (box : OpenBox T B ( σ  r))

  module T = RealignLift φ β α box
  module S = RealignLift (φ   σ ) (β ∘ᶠˢ  σ ) (α ∘ᶠˢ  σ  ×id) (reshapeBox σ box)

  eq : (s :  S )  T.filler .fill ( σ  s) .out  S.filler .fill s .out
  eq s =
    β .vary S T σ id r T.boxTotal s
       box'  β .lift S  σ  r box' .fill s .out)
        (cong (box .cof ∨_) (allEquivariant σ φ))
         i  takeOutCof (box .cof) (all T φ) (all S (φ   σ ))
           _  refl)
           uS uT 
            α .vary S T σ (id ,, uS) r box i
             cong  w  α .lift S ( σ  ,, w) r (reshapeBox σ box) .fill i .out)
              (funExt λ s  cofIsStrictProp' (φ ( σ  s)))))

  --↓ Definition of the realigned fibration structure.

  realignFibStr : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    {B : Γ  Type } (β : FibStr B)
    (α : FibStr (B  φ))
     FibStr B
  realignFibStr φ β α .lift S γ r =
    RealignLift.filler (φ  γ) (β ∘ᶠˢ γ) (α ∘ᶠˢ γ ×id)
  realignFibStr φ β α .vary S T σ γ r =
    RealignVary.eq σ (φ  γ) (β ∘ᶠˢ γ) (α ∘ᶠˢ γ ×id)

  --↓ Proof that the realigned fibration structure indeed restricts to the given partial
  --↓ fibration structure.

  realignFibStrMatch : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    {B : Γ  Type } (β : FibStr B)
    (α : FibStr (B  φ))
     α  realignFibStr φ β α ∘ᶠˢ 𝒑
  realignFibStrMatch φ β α =
    FibStrExt λ S γ r box s 
      RealignLift.fillTotal _ ((β ↾ᶠˢ φ) ∘ᶠˢ γ) (α ∘ᶠˢ ((𝒑  γ) ×id)) _
      .fill s .out≡ (∨r (𝒒  γ))

  --↓ Realignment commutes with reindexing of fibrations.

  reindexRealignFibStr : {φ : Γ  Cof}
    {B : Γ  Type } {β : FibStr B}
    {α : FibStr (B  φ)}
    (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     realignFibStr φ β α ∘ᶠˢ ρ  realignFibStr (φ  ρ) (β ∘ᶠˢ ρ) (α ∘ᶠˢ ρ ×id)
  reindexRealignFibStr ρ = FibStrExt λ S r γ box s  refl

-- Realignment for fibrations along cofibrations.
-- Given
-- ∘ a "total" fibration B over Γ,
-- ∘ a cofibration φ over Γ,
-- ∘ a "partial" fibration A over the restricted context Γ ▷[ φ ] such that A is
--   (strictly) isomorphic to B ↾ φ,
-- there exists a fibration over Γ that is (strictly) isomorphic to B and restricts on φ
-- to A (up to strict equality).

  --↓ Construction of the realigned fibration.

  ≅Realignᶠ : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    (B : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (A : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType )
    (iso : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  A  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ )
     Γ ⊢ᶠType 
  ≅Realignᶠ φ _ _ iso .fst γ = ≅Realign (φ γ) (iso  (γ ,_))
  ≅Realignᶠ φ (_ , β) (_ , α) iso .snd =
    realignFibStr φ
      (isomorphFibStr  γ  ≅realign (φ γ) (iso  (γ ,_))) β)
      (subst FibStr (funExt (uncurry λ γ  ≅RealignMatch (φ γ) (iso  (γ ,_)))) α)

  --↓ Proof that the realigned fibration restricts to the input partial fibration.

  ≅RealignᶠMatch : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    (B : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (A : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType )
    (iso : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  A  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ )
     A  ≅Realignᶠ φ B A iso ↾ᶠ φ
  ≅RealignᶠMatch _ _ _ _ =
    Σext _ (realignFibStrMatch _ _ _)

  --↓ Isomorphism from the input total fibration to the realigned fibration.

  ≅realignᶠ : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    (B : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (A : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType )
    (iso : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  A  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ )
     Γ ⊢ˣ ≅Realignᶠ φ B A iso .fst ≅ˣ B .fst
  ≅realignᶠ φ B A iso γ = ≅realign _ _

  --↓ Proof that the isomorphism above restricts to the input isomorphism.

  ≅realignᶠMatch : (φ : Γ  Cof)
    (B : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (A : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType )
    (iso : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  A  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ )
     subst  C  Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  C  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ ) (≅RealignᶠMatch φ B A iso) iso
       ≅realignᶠ φ B A iso  φ
  ≅realignᶠMatch φ B A iso =
    funExt λ (γ , u) 
    substNaturality {B = λ C  _ ⊢ˣ  C  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ } (_$ (γ , u))
      (≅RealignᶠMatch φ B A iso)
     substCongAssoc  C  C  B $ᶠ γ) (_$ᶠ (γ , u)) (≅RealignᶠMatch φ B A iso) _
     cong (subst (_≅ B $ᶠ γ) ⦅–⦆ (iso (γ , u))) uip'
     ≅realignMatch (φ γ) (iso  (γ ,_)) u

  --↓ Realignment commmutes with reindexing.

  reindexRealignᶠ : {φ : Γ  Cof}
    {B : Γ ⊢ᶠType }
    {A : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ᶠType }
    {iso : Γ ▷[ φ ] ⊢ˣ  A  ≅ˣ  B ↾ᶠ φ }
    (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     ≅Realignᶠ φ B A iso ∘ᶠ ρ  ≅Realignᶠ (φ  ρ) (B ∘ᶠ ρ) (A ∘ᶠ ρ ×id) (iso  ρ ×id)
  reindexRealignᶠ {A = _ , α} ρ =
    Σext refl
      (reindexRealignFibStr _
         cong₂ (realignFibStr _)
            (reindexIsomorphFibStr  _  ≅realign _ _) _)
            (reindexSubst α _ _ _))