
Π over a shape S commutes with coproducts.

We derive this from the axiom stating that each shape is tiny (exponentiation has an
external right adjoint). From this assumption, it is a standard consequence (right
adjoints preserve limits) that exponentiation by S commutes with coproducts of external
types (i.e., types assumed under the flat modality). Using a universe, we extend this to
arbitrary types and dependent exponentiation.

module tiny.preserves-coproduct where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom.funext
open import axiom.shape
open import axiom.cofibration
open import tiny.basic

module _ (@S : Shape) where

  open Tiny S

  --↓ Exponentation by a shape commutes with coproducts of external types.

  shape→⊎♭ :  {@ ℓ'} {@A : Type } {@B : Type ℓ'}
     ((A ^ S)  (B ^ S))  ((A  B) ^ S)
  shape→⊎♭ {A = A} {B = B} = main
    forward = [ inl `^ S  inr `^ S ]
    back = [ transposeRight inl  transposeRight inr ]

    forward∘back :  c  √` forward (back c)  transposeRight id c
    forward∘back (inl a) =
      cong$ (√TransposeRight forward inl  transposeRight^ inl id)
    forward∘back (inr b) =
      cong$ (√TransposeRight forward inr  transposeRight^ inr id)

    back∘forward :  d  transposeLeft back (forward d)  d
    back∘forward (inl f) = cong$ (transposeLeft^ back inl)
    back∘forward (inr g) = cong$ (transposeLeft^ back inr)

    main : ((A ^ S)  (B ^ S))  ((A  B) ^ S)
    main .to = forward
    main .from = transposeLeft back
    main .inv₁ = back∘forward
    main .inv₂ _ =
      cong$ (√TransposeLeft forward back  cong♭ transposeLeft (funExt forward∘back))

  --↓ Naturality of the isomorphism above.

  shape→⊎♭` :  {@ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ'''}
    {@A : Type } {@A' : Type ℓ'}
    {@B : Type ℓ''} {@B' : Type ℓ'''}
    (f : A  A') (g : B  B')
    (p : (A ^ S)  (B ^ S))
     shape→⊎♭ .to (((f ∘_) ⊎` (g ∘_)) p)  (f ⊎` g)  (shape→⊎♭ .to p)
  shape→⊎♭` f g (inl _) = refl
  shape→⊎♭` f g (inr _) = refl

  shape→⊎♭∇ :  {@} {@A : Type } (p : (A ^ S)  (A ^ S))
       shape→⊎♭ .to p   p
  shape→⊎♭∇ (inl _) = refl
  shape→⊎♭∇ (inr _) = refl

--↓ A dependent function from a shape into a coproduct defines a function into one of the
--↓ summands.

shape→⊎ :  {@ ℓ'} (S : Shape)
  {A :  S   Type } {B :  S   Type ℓ'}
   Π  S  (A ⊎ˣ B)
   Π  S  A  Π  S  B
shape→⊎ {} {ℓ'} =
  ShapeIsDiscrete main
  module _ (@S : Shape)
    {A :  S   Type } {B :  S   Type ℓ'}
    (h : Π  S  (A ⊎ˣ B))

    Ctx = Type  × Type ℓ'
    Typeₗ = Σ AB  Ctx , AB .fst
    Typeᵣ = Σ AB  Ctx , AB .snd

    addCtx : (s :  S )  A s  B s  Typeₗ  Typeᵣ
    addCtx s = (A s , B s ,_) ⊎` (A s , B s ,_)

    getCtx : Typeₗ  Typeᵣ  Ctx
    getCtx =   fst ⊎` fst

    iso♭ = shape→⊎♭ S

    h' :  S   Typeₗ  Typeᵣ
    h' s = addCtx s (h s)

    getAddTypes :  s c  getCtx (addCtx s c)  (A s , B s)
    getAddTypes s = ⊎-elim  _  refl)  _  refl)

    fromNatural : ((fst ∘_) ⊎` (fst ∘_)) (iso♭ .from h')  iso♭ .from ((fst ⊎` fst)  h')
    fromNatural =
      sym (iso♭ .inv₁ _)
       cong (iso♭ .from) (shape→⊎♭` S fst fst (iso♭ .from h'))
       cong (iso♭ .from  ((fst ⊎` fst) ∘_)) (iso♭ .inv₂ _)

    typesEq :  (((fst ∘_) ⊎` (fst ∘_)) (iso♭ .from h'))  (A ,, B)
    typesEq =
      cong  fromNatural
       sym (shape→⊎♭∇ S (iso♭ .from ((fst ⊎` fst)  h')))
       cong ( ∘_) (iso♭ .inv₂ _)
       funExt  s  getAddTypes s (h s))

    main : Π  S  A  Π  S  B
    main =
        {C = λ c   (((fst ∘_) ⊎` (fst ∘_)) c)  (A ,, B)  Π  S  A  Π  S  B}
         f eq  inl λ s  subst fst (cong$ eq) (f s .snd))
         g eq  inr λ s  subst snd (cong$ eq) (g s .snd))
        (iso♭ .from h')