
Definition and properties of h-contractible and h-propositional types within the fibrant
type theory.

module type-former.hlevels where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import fibration.transport
open import fibration.fibration
open import fibration.trivial
open import type-former.path
open import type-former.pi
open import type-former.sigma

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Γ Δ : Type 

-- Homotopy-contractibility.

IsContr : Type   Type 
IsContr A = Σ a₀  A , ((a : A)  a₀ ~ a)

IsContrˣ : (Γ  Type )  (Γ  Type )
IsContrˣ A = Σˣ A (Πˣ (A  𝒑) (Pathˣ (A  𝒑  𝒑) (𝒒  𝒑) 𝒒))

  IsContrFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } (α : FibStr A)  FibStr (IsContrˣ A)
  IsContrFibStr α  =
    ΣFibStr α (ΠFibStr (α ∘ᶠˢ 𝒑) (PathFibStr (α ∘ᶠˢ 𝒑 ∘ᶠˢ 𝒑) (𝒒  𝒑) 𝒒))

  reindexIsContrFibStr : {A : Γ  Type } {α : FibStr A} (ρ : Δ  Γ)
     IsContrFibStr α ∘ᶠˢ ρ  IsContrFibStr (α ∘ᶠˢ ρ)
  reindexIsContrFibStr ρ =
    reindexΣFibStr _
     cong (ΣFibStr _) (reindexΠFibStr _  cong (ΠFibStr _) (reindexPathFibStr _))

IsContrᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠType   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
IsContrᶠ A .fst = IsContrˣ (A .fst)
IsContrᶠ A .snd = IsContrFibStr (A .snd)

isContrToTFibStr : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (c : Γ ⊢ᶠ IsContrᶠ A)  TFibStr  A 
isContrToTFibStr A c γ (φ , a) =
  subst (A $ᶠ γ [ φ ↦_]) (funExt λ u  c γ .snd (a u) .at1) $
  A .snd .lift 𝕚 (cst γ) 0 box .fill 1
  box : OpenBox 𝕚 (cst (A $ᶠ γ)) 0
  box .cof = φ
  box .tube i u = c γ .snd (a u) .at i
  box .cap .out = c γ .fst
  box .cap .out≡ u = c γ .snd (a u) .at0

TFibToIsContr : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠTriv )  Γ ⊢ᶠ IsContrᶠ (TFibToFib A)
TFibToIsContr A γ = (center , contract)
  center = A .snd γ ( , λ ()) .out

  ext : (a : A .fst γ) (i : 𝕀)  A .fst γ [  i  _ ]
  ext a i = A .snd γ ( i , ∂-rec i (cst center) (cst a))

  contract : (a : A .fst γ)  center ~ a
  contract a .at i = ext a i .out
  contract a .at0 = sym (ext a 0 .out≡ (∨l refl))
  contract a .at1 = sym (ext a 1 .out≡ (∨r refl))

-- Singletons are contractible.

singlIsContrᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ IsContrᶠ (Singlᶠ A a)
singlIsContrᶠ A a = singlCenterᶠ A a  λˣ (singlContractᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) (a  𝒑) 𝒒)

-- h-Propositions.

IshProp : Type   Type 
IshProp A = (a₀ a₁ : A)  a₀ ~ a₁

IshPropˣ : (Γ  Type )  (Γ  Type )
IshPropˣ A γ = IshProp (A γ)

IshPropᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠType   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
IshPropᶠ A =
  Πᶠ A (Πᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) (Pathᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑 ∘ᶠ 𝒑) (𝒒  𝒑) 𝒒))

--↓ Being contractible is an h-proposition.

IsContrIshPropᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )  Γ ⊢ᶠ IshPropᶠ (IsContrᶠ A)
IsContrIshPropᶠ A γ (a₀ , c₀) (a₁ , c₁) = singlPath
  tfib = isContrToTFibStr (A ∘ᶠ cst γ)  _  a₀ , c₀)

  module _ (i : 𝕀) (a : A $ᶠ γ) where

    boundary : (j : 𝕀)  [  i   j ]  A $ᶠ γ
    boundary j =
        (∂-rec i  _  c₀ a .at j)  _  c₁ a .at j))
        (∂-rec j  _  c₀ a₁ .at i)  _  a))
        (∂-elim i
           {refl  ∂-elim j
             {refl  c₀ a .at0  sym (c₀ a₁ .at0)})
             {refl  c₀ a .at1})})
           {refl  ∂-elim j
             {refl  c₁ a .at0  sym (c₀ a₁ .at1)})
             {refl  c₁ a .at1})}))

      total : (j : 𝕀)  A $ᶠ γ [  i   j  boundary j ]
      total j = tfib tt ( i   j , boundary j)

    line : c₀ a₁ .at i ~ a
    line .at j = total j .out
    line .at0 = sym (total 0 .out≡ (∨r (∨l refl)))
    line .at1 = sym (total 1 .out≡ (∨r (∨r refl)))

  singlPath : (a₀ , c₀) ~ (a₁ , c₁)
  singlPath .at i .fst = c₀ a₁ .at i
  singlPath .at i .snd = line i
  singlPath .at0 =
    Σext (c₀ a₁ .at0) $ funExt λ a  PathExt λ j 
    substNaturality {B = λ b   b'  b ~ b'}  q  q a .at j) (c₀ a₁ .at0)
     substConst (c₀ a₁ .at0) _
     sym (total 0 a j .out≡ (∨l (∨l refl)))
  singlPath .at1 =
    Σext (c₀ a₁ .at1) $ funExt λ a  PathExt λ j 
    substNaturality {B = λ b   b'  b ~ b'}  q  q a .at j) (c₀ a₁ .at1)
     substConst (c₀ a₁ .at1) _
     sym (total 1 a j .out≡ (∨l (∨r refl)))

--↓ h-Propositions are closed under universal quantification.

ΠIshPropᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
   Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠ IshPropᶠ B
   Γ ⊢ᶠ IshPropᶠ (Πᶠ A B)
ΠIshPropᶠ A B propB γ f₀ f₁ = line
  line : f₀ ~ f₁
  line .at i a = propB (γ , a) (f₀ a) (f₁ a) .at i
  line .at0 = funExt λ a  propB (γ , a) (f₀ a) (f₁ a) .at0
  line .at1 = funExt λ a  propB (γ , a) (f₀ a) (f₁ a) .at1