
Constructing a universe that classifies fibrations.

module universe.core where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import axiom
open import cofibration
open import tiny.dependent
open import fibration.fibration
open import type-former.sigma

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Γ : Type 

open DependentTiny

LocalFillStrˣ : (S : Shape)
  (A : Γ ▷⟨ S   Type )
   (Γ  Type )
LocalFillStrˣ S A γ = LocalFillStr S (A  (γ ,_))

𝑼Fill :  (@)  Type (lsuc )
𝑼Fill  = Σ A  Type  , ((@S : Shape)  (S √ᴰ LocalFillStr S) A)

𝑼Fillˣ :  (@)  (Γ  Type (lsuc ))
𝑼Fillˣ  _ = 𝑼Fill 

  decodeFill :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } (@S : Shape)
    (@A : Γ ▷⟨ S  ⊢ˣ 𝑼Fillˣ ℓ')
     Γ ⊢ˣ LocalFillStrˣ S (fstˣ A)
  decodeFill S A =
    open√ S $♭
    appˣ (doReindex√ S (fstˣ A)) $
    λ γs  A γs .snd S

  unfolding decodeFill
  reindexDecodeFill :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''}
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} (@ρ : Γ'  Γ) (@S : Shape)
    (@A : Γ ▷⟨ S  ⊢ˣ 𝑼Fillˣ ℓ'')
     decodeFill S A  ρ  decodeFill S (A  (ρ ×id))
  reindexDecodeFill ρ S A =
    reindexOpen√ S _ _ 
    cong♭ (open√ S) (doReindex√-∘ S (fstˣ A) (ρ ×id) _)

LocalEquivariance√ :  {@} {@S T} (@σ : Shape[ S , T ])
  (A :  T   𝑼Fill )  Type 
LocalEquivariance√ {S = S} {T = T} σ A =
  LocalEquivariance σ
    (decodeFill T (^-counit T) A)
    (decodeFill S (^-counit S) (A   σ ))

LocalEquivariance√ˣ :  {@ ℓ'} {@S T} (@σ : Shape[ S , T ]) {Γ : Type }
  (A : Γ ▷⟨ T  ⊢ˣ 𝑼Fillˣ ℓ')
   (Γ  Type ℓ')
LocalEquivariance√ˣ σ A γ = LocalEquivariance√ σ (A  (γ ,_))

-- Definition of the universe and decoding function.

𝑼 :  (@)  Type (lsuc )
𝑼  =
  Σ A  𝑼Fill  ,
  (∀ (@S T) (@σ : Shape[ S , T ])  (T √ᴰ LocalEquivariance√ σ) A)

El :  {@}  𝑼   Type 
El = fst  fst

𝑼ˣ :  (@)  (Γ  Type (lsuc ))
𝑼ˣ  _ = 𝑼 

-- El : 𝑼 → Type is a fibration.

decodeVaries :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type }
  {@S T : Shape} (@σ : Shape[ S , T ])
  (@A : Γ ▷⟨ T  ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ ℓ')
   Γ ⊢ˣ LocalEquivariance√ˣ σ (fstˣ A)
decodeVaries {S = S} {T = T} σ A =
  open√ T $♭
  appˣ (doReindex√ T (fstˣ A)) $
  λ γt  A γt .snd S T σ

  ElFibStr :  {@}  FibStr (El {})
  ElFibStr .lift =
    ShapeIsDiscrete λ (@S) 
    λ A  decodeFill S (^-counit S) (fstˣ A)
  ElFibStr .vary =
    ShapeIsDiscrete λ (@S) 
    ShapeIsDiscrete λ (@T) 
    ShapeHomIsDiscrete λ (@σ) 
    decodeVaries σ (^-counit T)

Elˣ :  {@}  (Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ )  (Γ  Type )
Elˣ = El ∘_

Elᶠ :  {@}  (Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ )  Γ ⊢ᶠType 
Elᶠ = (El , ElFibStr) ∘ᶠ_

decode = Elᶠ

-- Any fibration over Γ induces an element of Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ.

getFillStrˣ : (S : Shape)
  (A : Γ ▷⟨ S  ⊢ᶠType )
   Γ ⊢ˣ LocalFillStrˣ S  A 
getFillStrˣ S A γ r box = A .snd .lift S (γ ,_) r box

  encodeFillStr :  {@ ℓ'} (@S : Shape) {@Γ : Type } (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
     Γ ⊢ˣ (S √ᴰ LocalFillStr S)   A 
  encodeFillStr S A =
    appˣ (undoReindex√ S  A ) $
    shut√ S $♭
    λ γ r box  A .snd .lift S γ r box

  reindexEncodeFillStr :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''} (@S : Shape)
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} (@ρ : Γ'  Γ)
    (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ'')
     encodeFillStr S A  ρ  encodeFillStr S (A ∘ᶠ ρ)
  reindexEncodeFillStr S ρ A =
    cong (appˣ (undoReindex√ S  A   ρ))
      (sym (undoDoReindex√ S ρ _)
         cong (appˣ (undoReindex√ S ρ)) (reindexShut√ S _ ρ))
     undoReindex√-∘ S  A  ρ _

encodeFill :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type }  @(Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼Fillˣ ℓ'
encodeFill A γ .fst = A $ᶠ γ
encodeFill A γ .snd S = encodeFillStr S A γ

  reindexEncodeLifts :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''}
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} (@ρ : Γ'  Γ)
    (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ'')
     encodeFill A  ρ  encodeFill (A ∘ᶠ ρ)
  reindexEncodeLifts ρ A =
    funExt λ γ 
    Σext refl (funExt♭ λ S  cong$ (reindexEncodeFillStr S ρ A))

  unfolding encodeFillStr decodeFill
  decodeEncodeLifts :  {@ ℓ'} {@S : Shape} {@Γ : Type }
    (@A : Γ ▷⟨ S  ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
     decodeFill S (encodeFill A)  getFillStrˣ S A
  decodeEncodeLifts {S = S} A =
    cong♭ (open√ S) (doUndoReindex√ S _ _)
     openShut√ _ _

  reindexEncodeInsideDecode :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''}
    (@S : Shape)
    {@Γ : Type } {@Γ' : Type ℓ'} (@ρ : Γ' ▷⟨ S   Γ)
    (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ'')
     decodeFill S (encodeFill A  ρ)  decodeFill S (encodeFill (A ∘ᶠ ρ))
  reindexEncodeInsideDecode S ρ A =
      (subst  B  _ ⊢ˣ LocalFillStrˣ S B) ⦅–⦆ (decodeFill S (encodeFill A  ρ)))
     sym (substCongAssoc  B  _ ⊢ˣ LocalFillStrˣ S B) fstˣ (reindexEncodeLifts ρ A) _)
     congdep♭ (decodeFill S) (reindexEncodeLifts ρ A)

  encodeEquivariance :  {@ ℓ'}
    {@S T : Shape} (@σ : Shape[ S , T ])
    {@Γ : Type } (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
     Γ ⊢ˣ (T √ᴰ LocalEquivariance√ σ)  encodeFill A
  encodeEquivariance {S = S} {T = T} σ A =
    appˣ (undoReindex√ T (encodeFill A)) $
    shut√ T $♭
    λ γ r box s 
    cong  l  l γ ( σ  r) box .fill ( σ  s) .out)
      (reindexDecodeFill (encodeFill A `^ T) T (^-counit T)
         reindexEncodeInsideDecode T (^-counit T) A
         decodeEncodeLifts (A ∘ᶠ ^-counit T))
     A .snd .vary S T σ γ r box s
     cong  l  l (γ   σ ) r (reshapeBox σ box) .fill s .out)
          (reindexDecodeFill (encodeFill A `^ S) S (^-counit S)
             reindexEncodeInsideDecode S (^-counit S) A
             decodeEncodeLifts (A ∘ᶠ ^-counit S)))

  encode :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type }  @(Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  (Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ ℓ')
  encode {ℓ' = ℓ'} {Γ} A = encoding
    encoding : Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ ℓ'
    encoding γ .fst = encodeFill A γ
    encoding γ .snd S T σ = encodeEquivariance σ A γ

-- Inverse conditions for the correspondence between Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ' and Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ ℓ'.

  unfolding encode ElFibStr
  decodeEncode :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
     decode (encode A)  A
  decodeEncode A =
    Σext refl $
    FibStrExt {α₀ = ElFibStr ∘ᶠˢ (encode A)} $
    ShapeIsDiscrete λ (@S) γ r box s 
    cong  lifter  lifter r box .fill s .out) (mainLemma S γ)
    mainLemma :  (@S) γ 
      decodeFill S (^-counit S) (encodeFill A  γ)  getFillStrˣ S (A ∘ᶠ ^-counit S) γ
    mainLemma S γ =
      cong$ (reindexDecodeFill (encodeFill A `^ S) S (^-counit S))
       cong$ (reindexEncodeInsideDecode S (^-counit S) A)
       cong$ (decodeEncodeLifts (A ∘ᶠ ^-counit S))

  𝑼Ext :  {@} {C C' : 𝑼 }  C .fst  C' .fst  C  C'
  𝑼Ext eq =
    Σext eq $
    funExt♭ λ S  funExt♭ λ T  funExt♭ λ σ 
    √ᴰPreservesProp T
      (LocalEquivariance√ σ)
       _ _ _  funExt' $ funExt' $ funExt' uip')
      _ _ _

  unfolding encode
  reindexEncode :  {@ ℓ' ℓ''} {@Δ : Type } {@Γ : Type ℓ'}
    (@A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ'') (@ρ : Δ  Γ)
     encode A  ρ  encode (A ∘ᶠ ρ)
  reindexEncode A ρ =
    funExt' $ 𝑼Ext $ cong$ $ reindexEncodeLifts ρ A

  unfolding encode ElFibStr encodeFillStr decodeFill
  encodeEl :  {@}  (C : 𝑼 )  encode (Elᶠ id) C  C
  encodeEl { = } =
    λ C  𝑼Ext $ Σext refl (funExt♭ λ S  cong$ (lemma S))
    get√FillStr : (@S : Shape) (C : 𝑼 )  (S √ᴰ LocalFillStr S) (El C)
    get√FillStr S C = C .fst .snd S

    lemma : (@S : Shape)  encodeFillStr S (Elᶠ id)  get√FillStr S
    lemma S =
      cong (appˣ (undoReindex√ S El))
        (cong♭ (shut√ S)
          (reindexDecodeFill (fst `^ S) S (^-counit S)
             cong♭ (open√ S)
                (sym (doReindex√-∘ S El (^-counit S) (get√FillStr S  ^-counit S))))
           sym (shutOpen√ S (appˣ (doReindex√ S El) (get√FillStr S))))
       undoDoReindex√ S El (get√FillStr S)

  encodeDecode :  {@ ℓ'} {@Γ : Type } (@C : Γ ⊢ˣ 𝑼ˣ ℓ')  encode (decode C)  C
  encodeDecode C = funExt λ γ  cong$ (sym (reindexEncode (Elᶠ id) C))  encodeEl (C γ)