
Summary of the fibrant model.

module summary where

open import basic
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
import fibration.fibration
import type-former.empty
import type-former.natural-number
import type-former.path
import type-former.pi
import type-former.sigma
import type-former.swan-identity
import type-former.unit
import universe

infix 1 _⊢ᶠType_ _⊢ᶠ_
infixl 3 _▷ᶠ_
infixr 5 _∘ᶠ_ _∘ᵗᵐ_

open fibration.fibration using (_$ᶠ_)

private variable
   ℓ' : Level
  Δ Γ : Type 

-- Judgments of the fibrant type theory.

--↓ A context is a type of the ambient theory.

Ctx :    Type (lsuc )
Ctx  = Type 

--↓ A substitution is a function between types.

Ctx[_,_] : (Δ : Type ) (Γ : Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
Ctx[ Δ , Γ ] = Δ  Γ

--↓ A type over Γ is a type family over Γ in the ambient theory equipped with a /fibration
--↓ structure/.

_⊢ᶠType_ : (Γ : Ctx ) (ℓ' : Level)  Type (  lsuc ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ' = fibration.fibration._⊢ᶠType_ Γ ℓ'

--↓ A term of a type is a section of the type family.

_⊢ᶠ_ : (Γ : Ctx ) (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠ A = fibration.fibration._⊢ᶠ_ Γ A

--↓ Equality of types and terms is equality in the ambient theory.

_⊢ᶠ_≡_⦂Type : (Γ : Ctx ) (A₀ A₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Type (  lsuc ℓ')
Γ ⊢ᶠ A₀  A₁ ⦂Type = A₀  A₁

infix 1 _⊢ᶠ_≡_⦂Type

EqTermSyntaxᶠ : (Γ : Ctx ) (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ') (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)  Type (  ℓ')
EqTermSyntaxᶠ Γ A a₀ a₁ = a₀  a₁

infix 1 EqTermSyntaxᶠ
syntax EqTermSyntaxᶠ Γ A a₀ a₁ = Γ ⊢ᶠ a₀  a₁  A

-- Contexts.

--↓ Terminal context.

 : Ctx lzero
 = 𝟙

--↓ Context extension.

_▷ᶠ_ : (Γ : Ctx ) (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ℓ')  Ctx (  ℓ')
Γ ▷ᶠ A = fibration.fibration._▷ᶠ_ Γ A

--↓ Substitution for types.

_∘ᶠ_ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (ρ : Ctx[ Δ , Γ ])  Δ ⊢ᶠType 
A ∘ᶠ ρ = fibration.fibration._∘ᶠ_ A ρ

--↓ Substitution for terms is interpreted as ordinary function composition.

_∘ᵗᵐ_ : {A : Γ ⊢ᶠType } (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A) (ρ : Ctx[ Δ , Γ ])  Δ ⊢ᶠ (A ∘ᶠ ρ)
a ∘ᵗᵐ ρ = a  ρ

-- Empty type.

--↓ Formation.

𝟘ᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠType lzero
𝟘ᶠ = type-former.empty.𝟘ᶠ

--↓ Elimination.

𝟘-elimᶠ :
  (A : Γ ▷ᶠ 𝟘ᶠ ⊢ᶠType )
  (c : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝟘ᶠ)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ A ∘ᶠ (id ,, c)
𝟘-elimᶠ A c γ = 𝟘-rec (c γ)

-- Π-type

Πᶠ :
  (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
  (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
   Γ ⊢ᶠType (  ℓ')
Πᶠ = type-former.pi.Πᶠ

module _ (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ') where

  --↓ Introduction.

  λᶠ :
    Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠ B
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Πᶠ A B
  λᶠ = internal-extensional-type-theory.λˣ

  --↓ Elimination.

  appᶠ :
    (f : Γ ⊢ᶠ Πᶠ A B)
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ B ∘ᶠ (id ,, a)
  appᶠ = internal-extensional-type-theory.appˣ

  --↓ Computation.

  app-λᶠ :
    (b : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠ B)
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ appᶠ (λᶠ b) a  b  (id ,, a)  B ∘ᶠ (id ,, a)
  app-λᶠ _ _ = refl

--↓ Uniqueness.

Π-ηᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  (f : Γ ⊢ᶠ Πᶠ A B)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ f  λᶠ A B (appᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) (B ∘ᶠ (𝒑  𝒑 ,, 𝒒)) (f  𝒑) 𝒒)  Πᶠ A B
Π-ηᶠ _ _ _ = refl

-- Σ-type.

--↓ Formation.

Σᶠ :
  (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
  (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
   Γ ⊢ᶠType (  ℓ')
Σᶠ = type-former.sigma.Σᶠ

module _ (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (B : Γ ▷ᶠ A ⊢ᶠType ℓ') where

  --↓ Introduction.

  pairᶠ :
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
    (b : Γ ⊢ᶠ B ∘ᶠ (id ,, a))
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Σᶠ A B
  pairᶠ = type-former.sigma.pairᶠ A B

  --↓ Elimination.

  fstᶠ :
    Γ ⊢ᶠ Σᶠ A B
     Γ ⊢ᶠ A
  fstᶠ = internal-extensional-type-theory.fstˣ

  sndᶠ :
    (t : Γ ⊢ᶠ Σᶠ A B)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ B ∘ᶠ (id ,, fstᶠ t)
  sndᶠ = internal-extensional-type-theory.sndˣ

  --↓ Uniqueness (η-principle).

  Σ-ηᶠ :
    (t : Γ ⊢ᶠ Σᶠ A B)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ t  pairᶠ (fstᶠ t) (sndᶠ t)  Σᶠ A B
  Σ-ηᶠ t = refl

-- Weak identity (i.e. path) type.

--↓ Formation.

Pathᶠ :
  (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
  (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
Pathᶠ = type-former.path.Pathᶠ

--↓ Introduction.

reflᶠ :
  (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
  (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ Pathᶠ A a a
reflᶠ = type-former.path.reflᶠ

--↓ Elimination.
--↓ We state a Paulin-Mohring-style J rule using the type of singletons.

Singlᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)  Γ ⊢ᶠType 
Singlᶠ A a = Σᶠ A (Pathᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) 𝒒 (a  𝒑))

singlCenterᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ Singlᶠ A a
singlCenterᶠ A a =
  pairᶠ A (Pathᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) 𝒒 (a  𝒑)) a (reflᶠ A a)

Jᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
  (P : Γ ▷ᶠ Singlᶠ A a ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
  (d : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, singlCenterᶠ A a))
  (c : Γ ⊢ᶠ Singlᶠ A a)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, c)
Jᶠ = type-former.path.Jᶠ

-- Unit type.

--↓ Formation.

𝟙ᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠType lzero
𝟙ᶠ = type-former.unit.𝟙ᶠ

--↓ Introduction.

∗ᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝟙ᶠ
∗ᶠ _ = _

--↓ Uniqueness (η-principle).

∗-ηᶠ :
  (t : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝟙ᶠ)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ ∗ᶠ  t  𝟙ᶠ
∗-ηᶠ _ = refl

-- Natural number type.

--↓ Formation.

ℕᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠType lzero
ℕᶠ = type-former.natural-number.ℕᶠ

--↓ Introduction.

zeroᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕᶠ
zeroᶠ = type-former.natural-number.zeroᶠ

sucᶠ :
  (n : Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕᶠ)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕᶠ
sucᶠ = type-former.natural-number.sucᶠ

--↓ Elimination.

ℕ-elimᶠ :
  (P : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ⊢ᶠType )
  (z : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, zeroᶠ))
  (s : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ▷ᶠ P ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (𝒑  𝒑 ,, sucᶠ (𝒒  𝒑)))
  (n : Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕᶠ)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, n)
ℕ-elimᶠ = type-former.natural-number.ℕ-elimᶠ

ℕ-elim-zeroᶠ :
  (P : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ⊢ᶠType )
  (z : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, zeroᶠ))
  (s : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ▷ᶠ P ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (𝒑  𝒑 ,, sucᶠ (𝒒  𝒑)))
   Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕ-elimᶠ P z s zeroᶠ  z  P ∘ᶠ (id ,, zeroᶠ)
ℕ-elim-zeroᶠ _ _ _ = refl

ℕ-elim-sucᶠ :
  (P : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ⊢ᶠType )
  (z : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, zeroᶠ))
  (s : Γ ▷ᶠ ℕᶠ ▷ᶠ P ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (𝒑  𝒑 ,, sucᶠ (𝒒  𝒑)))
  (n : Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕᶠ)
   Γ ⊢ᶠ ℕ-elimᶠ P z s (sucᶠ n)  s  (id ,, n ,, ℕ-elimᶠ P z s n)  P ∘ᶠ (id ,, sucᶠ n)
ℕ-elim-sucᶠ _ _ _ _ = refl

-- Universes.

--↓ Formation.

𝑼ᶠ : (@ : Level)
   Γ ⊢ᶠType (lsuc )
𝑼ᶠ = universe.𝑼ᶠ

--↓ Decoding elements of the universe to types.

Elᶠ : {@ : Level}
   Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ 
   Γ ⊢ᶠType 
Elᶠ = universe.Elᶠ

-- Closure of universes under type formers.

--↓ Empty type.

𝟘ᵁᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ lzero
𝟘ᵁᶠ = universe.𝟘ᵁᶠ

El-𝟘ᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ 𝟘ᵁᶠ  𝟘ᶠ ⦂Type
El-𝟘ᶠ = universe.El-𝟘ᶠ

--↓ Unit type.

𝟙ᵁᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ lzero
𝟙ᵁᶠ = universe.𝟙ᵁᶠ

El-𝟙ᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ 𝟙ᵁᶠ  𝟙ᶠ ⦂Type
El-𝟙ᶠ = universe.El-𝟙ᶠ

--↓ Natural number type.

ℕᵁᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ lzero
ℕᵁᶠ = universe.ℕᵁᶠ

El-ℕᶠ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ ℕᵁᶠ  ℕᶠ ⦂Type
El-ℕᶠ = universe.El-ℕᶠ

module _ {@ : Level} where

  --↓ Σ-type.

  Σᵁᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
    (B : Γ ▷ᶠ Elᶠ A ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
     Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ 
  Σᵁᶠ = universe.Σᵁᶠ

  El-Σᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
    (B : Γ ▷ᶠ Elᶠ A ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ (Σᵁᶠ A B)  Σᶠ (Elᶠ A) (Elᶠ B) ⦂Type
  El-Σᶠ = universe.El-Σᶠ

  --↓ Π-type.

  Πᵁᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
    (B : Γ ▷ᶠ Elᶠ A ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
     Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ 
  Πᵁᶠ = universe.Πᵁᶠ

  El-Πᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
    (B : Γ ▷ᶠ Elᶠ A ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ (Πᵁᶠ A B)  Πᶠ (Elᶠ A) (Elᶠ B) ⦂Type
  El-Πᶠ = universe.El-Πᶠ

  --↓ Weak identity type.

  Pathᵁᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
    (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ 
  Pathᵁᶠ = universe.Pathᵁᶠ

  El-Pathᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ ) (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ (Pathᵁᶠ A a₀ a₁)  Pathᶠ (Elᶠ A) a₀ a₁ ⦂Type
  El-Pathᶠ = universe.El-Pathᶠ

-- Univalence axiom.

module _ (@ : Level) where

  --↓ The univalence axiom, stated as contractibility of (Σ B:𝑼. B ≃ A) for all A : 𝑼.
  --↓ See the referenced modules below for definitions of the derived type formers ≃ᶠ (the
  --↓ type of equivalences) and IsContrᶠ (the type of proofs of contractibility). Both are
  --↓ defined using the weak identity type Pathᶠ introduced above.

  open import type-former.equiv using (_≃ᶠ_)
  open import type-former.hlevels using (IsContrᶠ)

  UA :  ⊢ᶠ Πᶠ (𝑼ᶠ ) (IsContrᶠ (Σᶠ (𝑼ᶠ ) (Elᶠ 𝒒 ≃ᶠ Elᶠ (𝒒  𝒑))))
  UA = universe.UA 

-- Strict identity type à la Swan.
-- This construction uses two additional axioms not postulated in the axiom modules,
-- namely cofibration extensionality and closure of the universe of cofibrations under
-- Σ-types.

module _
  (@ext : type-former.swan-identity.CofExtensionality)
  (@dom : type-former.swan-identity.CofHasΣ)

  module swan = type-former.swan-identity.SwanIdentity ext dom

  --↓ Formation.

  Idᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠType 
  Idᶠ = swan.Idᶠ

  --↓ Introduction.

  idreflᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ Idᶠ A a a
  idreflᶠ = swan.idreflᶠ

  --↓ Elimination in terms of the singleton type.

  IdSinglᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)  Γ ⊢ᶠType 
  IdSinglᶠ A a =
    Σᶠ A (Idᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) 𝒒 (a  𝒑))

  idSinglCenterᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType ) (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ IdSinglᶠ A a
  idSinglCenterᶠ A a =
    pairᶠ A (Idᶠ (A ∘ᶠ 𝒑) 𝒒 (a  𝒑)) a (idreflᶠ A a)

  idJᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
    (P : Γ ▷ᶠ IdSinglᶠ A a ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
    (d : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, idSinglCenterᶠ A a))
    (c : Γ ⊢ᶠ IdSinglᶠ A a)
     Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, c)
  idJᶠ = swan.idJᶠ

  --↓ Strict computation rule for identity elimination applied at reflexivity.

  idJreflᶠ :
    (A : Γ ⊢ᶠType )
    (a : Γ ⊢ᶠ A)
    (P : Γ ▷ᶠ IdSinglᶠ A a ⊢ᶠType ℓ')
    (d : Γ ⊢ᶠ P ∘ᶠ (id ,, idSinglCenterᶠ A a))
     Γ ⊢ᶠ idJᶠ A a P d (idSinglCenterᶠ A a)  d  P ∘ᶠ (id ,, idSinglCenterᶠ A a)
  idJreflᶠ A a P d = swan.idJreflᶠ A a P d

  --↓ Closure of the universe under strict identity types.

  module _ {@ : Level} where

    module swanᵁ = universe.SwanIdentityᵁ {} ext dom

    Idᵁᶠ : (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ ) (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ A)  Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ 
    Idᵁᶠ = swanᵁ.Idᵁᶠ

    El-Idᶠ :
      (A : Γ ⊢ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ )
      (a₀ a₁ : Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ A)
       Γ ⊢ᶠ Elᶠ (Idᵁᶠ A a₀ a₁)  Idᶠ (Elᶠ A) a₀ a₁ ⦂Type
    El-Idᶠ = swanᵁ.El-Idᶠ