
The universe is univalent, proven using Glue types. We follow Cohen, Coquand, Huber, and
Mörtberg (https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.TYPES.2015.5, §7.2), who prove univalence in the

(A : 𝑼) → IsContr (Σ B : 𝑼. El B ≃ El A).

The addition of an equivariance condition on fibrations has no effect on this proof.

module universe.univalence where

open import basic
open import axiom
open import internal-extensional-type-theory
open import cofibration
open import fibration.fibration
open import fibration.trivial
open import type-former.equiv
open import type-former.hlevels
open import type-former.path
open import type-former.pi
open import type-former.sigma
open import universe.core
open import universe.fibrant
open import universe.glue

--↓ The type of based equivalences is trivially fibrant.

UATFib :  (@)  TFibStr {Γ = 𝟙 ▷ᶠ 𝑼ᶠ } (Σˣ (𝑼ˣ ) (Elˣ 𝒒 ≃ˣ Elˣ (𝒒  𝒑)))
UATFib  (tt , B) (φ , Part) = filler
  ExtendedTy : 𝑼 
  ExtendedTy = Glueᵁ φ B (fst  Part) (snd  Part)

  extendedEquiv : El ExtendedTy  El B
  extendedEquiv = unglueᵁEquiv

  partEquiv : [ φ ]  El ExtendedTy  El B
  partEquiv u =
    subst ((_≃ El B)  El) (GlueᵁMatch _ _ _ _ _) (Part u .snd)

  partFun≡extendedFun :  u  partEquiv u .fst  extendedEquiv .fst
  partFun≡extendedFun u =
    substNaturality fst (GlueᵁMatch _ _ _ _ _) 
    unglueᵁMatch u

  fixPath : (u : [ φ ])  partEquiv u ~ extendedEquiv
  fixPath u =
    equivPathᶠ (Elᶠ (cst ExtendedTy)) (Elᶠ (cst B)) _ _
      (cst $ eqToPath $ partFun≡extendedFun u)

  box : OpenBox 𝕚 (cst (Σ A  𝑼  , El A  El B)) 1
  box .cof = φ
  box .tube i u .fst = ExtendedTy
  box .tube i u .snd = fixPath u .at i
  box .cap .out .fst = ExtendedTy
  box .cap .out .snd = extendedEquiv
  box .cap .out≡ u = Σext refl (fixPath u .at1)

  filler : (Σ A  𝑼  , El A  El B) [ φ  Part ]
  filler =
      (_ [ φ ↦_])
      (funExt λ u  sym (Σext (GlueᵁMatch _ _ _ _ _) (sym (fixPath u .at0))))
      (Σᶠ (𝑼ᶠ ) (Elᶠ snd ≃ᶠ Elᶠ fst) .snd .lift 𝕚 (cst B) 1 box .fill 0)

--↓ The type of based equivalences is contractible.

UA :  (@)  𝟙 ⊢ᶠ Πᶠ (𝑼ᶠ ) (IsContrᶠ (Σᶠ (𝑼ᶠ ) (Elᶠ 𝒒 ≃ᶠ Elᶠ (𝒒  𝒑))))
UA  = λˣ $ TFibToIsContr (_ , UATFib )